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God Quest
God Quest
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The Quest
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GodQuest Sermon Summary

Signpost 1: The Quest
Week 1 Sermon
KEY SCRIPTURE: John 14:1–6

This sermon introduces the GodQuest series and presents the idea that we are all searching for the right path through life. This sermon focuses on the idea of truth and uses John 14:6 to show that Jesus Himself is the truth and is the way.

The key points are:

  1. We can know that truth exists.
  2. We can know the truth.
  3. We can live in relationship with the truth.

From the Bible, we can know that truth is not relative or changeable. There is absolute truth, and it is found in the teaching and person of Jesus Christ.

Sermon Video Introduction

This short video introduces GodQuest, your host Sean McDowell, and Signpost 1. Signpost 1 says, “What you believe determines where you go in life.” Our beliefs affect our choices, the paths we take in life, and our ultimate destinations. As you choose your path in life, you can decide to seek God and follow after Him or set off on your own course.

Signpost 2: The Beginning
Week 2 Sermon
KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalm 19:1–4

The topic of this week’s sermon is creation and the existence of God. It points out that many people don’t believe in God and think instead that life came about through millions of years of random evolution. Use this sermon to show how science actually confirms the words written in the Bible.

The key points are:

  1. We can see signs of God’s existence in creation.
  2. We can see signs of God’s intelligence in creation.
  3. We can see signs of God’s care in creation.

The beauty and complexity of the world in which we live not only indicates the presence of God, it also displays His love for us.

Sermon Video Introduction

Signpost 2 says that what you believe about creation determines how you view yourself and life. Have you been taught that your life is the chance product of a vast and purposeless universe? Or have you gazed at the beauty of the star-filled sky and believed that an intelligent Creator designed the universe and then gave you life? Depending on what you believe, you will seek to know your Creator or decide there is no creator and go your own way.

Signpost 3: The Word
Week 3 Sermon

This week’s sermon addresses the reliability and purpose of the Bible. Many people question the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible, and even some Christians struggle with doubts about whether the Bible is the 100 percent true and inspired Word of God. This sermon will help dispel those doubts and give your congregation greater confidence in the Bible.

The key points are:

  1. We can believe the Bible was recorded faithfully.
  2. We can be confident the Bible was relayed accurately.
  3. We can be grateful the Bible has been reinforced externally.

Sermon Video Introduction

This week, we’re going to explore the authenticity, accuracy, and purpose of the Bible. We’re also going to encounter Signpost 3, which reads, “What you believe about the Bible determines how you live your life.” If you believe the Bible is true, then you have an inspired, flawless, incredibly wise guidebook that will keep you on the right path in life. If you don’t believe the Bible is true, then you need to decide on your own rules and your own map for life.

Signpost 4: The Question
Week 4 Sermon

It’s the most-commonly asked question about God and religion: Why would a good God allow evil and suffering? Using the story of Job, this week’s sermon addresses that very difficult question with both reason and compassion.

The key points are:

  1. We are shown that God does not cause evil.
  2. We can be sure that our viewpoint is limited.
  3. We are satisfied that God is at work.

Sermon Video Introduction

There are some things in this life that are very difficult to under-stand and accept. Heartbreaking tragedy can strike kind, ethical, generous people, and it seems beyond explanation. There are moments when we want to cry out to God and simply ask, "Why?" At those times, we encounter a signpost that reads, "What you believe about God’s goodness defines your relationship with Him." We can choose to trust God even when we don't understand, or we can turn our backs on Him and walk away.

Signpost 5: The King
Week 5 Sermon
KEY SCRIPTURES: John 8:57–59, Mark 14:61–64

Who was Jesus? If you asked a dozen people this question, you could wind up with a dozen different answers. This week's sermon will help your congregation understand that Jesus clearly stated who He was and then backed up His claims through miracles— including His resurrection.

The key points are:

  1. We must weigh the available evidence.
  2. We must consider the possible conclusions.
  3. We must make an appropriate response.

Sermon Video Introduction

This week, we're going to talk about the man the Bible calls the King of Kings. We will also encounter Signpost 5, which says that what you believe about Jesus' identity determines your path in life. You can either follow Jesus or trek out on your own. Which path will you follow?

Signpost 6: The Path
Week 6 Sermon
KEY SCRIPTURE: John 14:1–6

In today’s culture, it’s not politically correct to claim that Christianity is the only way to God, yet Jesus told His disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life." This final sermon in the GodQuest series will help your congregation understand why Jesus is the only path to God and why Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection are the only solution to the problem of sin.

The key points are:

  1. We should realize the intention of Jesus’ words
  2. We must recognize the inclusivity of Jesus’ words.
  3. We need to respond to the invitation in Jesus’ words.

Sermon Video Introduction

In this final week of our GodQuest, we’re going to encounter Signpost 6, which says the path you follow in your spiritual journey determines your destination. You can either accept God’s offer of forgiveness and salvation, or you can reject it and live without Him.