David Nasser—speaker, author and visionary—escaped with his family from his home country of Iran in 1979, finding true acceptance in Christ at age 18. Now, God has purposed David to reach the high tech, often attention-lacking culture of Generation Next. Involved in revivals, citywide rallies, camps and school assemblies, David speaks to over 700,000 people each year.
The heart's cry of his ministry, D. Nasser Outreach, is to effectively present the same relevant message, the Gospel of Christ, using fresh, innovative methods and resources. He has worked extensively with ministries such as BGA, Youth Specialties, Student Life, Acquire the Fire and many others. David also regularly presents anti-substance abuse programs to youth in schools all over the country.
David says of his ministry, “[It] exists to glorify God. It’s incredibly important for us to know this. From every phone conversation to every book being shipped out of our warehouse, it all has to be about making God’s truth known to all people.”
"Whether speaking or writing, David Nasser is fast rising up as one of today’s new, relevant voices. This generation demands “the real” and that’s exactly what David delivers." - Toby Mac, hip-hop/pop recording artist, music producer, author, formerly with the group DC Talk